MJM Double Glazing


View our highly efficient, reliable, secure range of aluminium window systems

Aluminium Windows

100% Secure Windows

Tested to industry standards, our aluminium windows are glazed internally, to ensure maximum security.

Our Range

We have a wide variety of finishes for your window frames with a wide selection of classic colours.

Tailored Size

We manufacture windows individually, to match your EXACT specifications. Unusual, oversized, you name it.

Aluminium Windows


Aluminium windows offer plenty of design options, don’t require frequent upkeep, available singly or in pairs and are very durable, with some of them lasting up to 30 years. Due to their material, they can’t rot, and also has a high strength-to-weight ratio, making them harder to dent.

Interested? Get in touch.

Aluminium Windows


Our Aluminium Window installations are done by the finest of experienced workmen, so you know for sure that your windows are installed professionally and securely. The aluminium material is extremely durable, adding extra security to your window installation.Just take a look at our gallery – and see what we’re all about for yourself. Have we convinced you yet?